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Core Products

Motivational MAPS®: A Paradigm Shift For Leaders

Under close inspection, what makes one person go all out to do one thing while the other is dismissive? How can these two attitudes be managed? To answer these questions, we need to understand what drives their behaviour, known as "motivators". Once we know this, we can create the workplace that every leader, every manager, every HR professional, and every employee craves.

Here, individual differences are not only recognized, but also valued and applied to the benefit of each individual; Here, employees feel happy and satisfied in their positions. There has been a clear and measurable improvement in performance across the organization. The key to unlocking this often-overlooked potential for us is the Motivational MAPS®.

Unlock an individual's energy and performance

Personal Motivational Maps®

The Personal Motivational Maps® is our flagship product licenced by Motivational Maps Ltd. In just about 12 minutes, individuals can complete the assessment online and receive a full 15-page report on what motivates them and what their current level of motivation is. This report is not only practical, but also very revealing: most people know very little about what really motivates them hence they struggle to meet extraordinary performance levels.

The Motivational MAPS® report contains recommendations for at least 9 reward strategies to help further motivate individuals. This tool unlocks incentives for them, and for others if they choose to share, which is the key to unlocking high performance. It is ideal for personal, professional, and leadership development.

The more power we have, the more energy we have; Therefore, this tool not only improves our self-esteem but also our ability to perform at a higher level.

Applicable to:

  1. Coaching and managing staff
  2. Performance evaluation and rewards for individuals
  3. Recruit and retain employees


  1. Increase self-awareness and motivation levels
  2. Increase engagement and performance
  3. Better career options or recruitment selections

Team Motivational Maps®

interestingly, most teams are formed on the basis of a relevant, complementary set of capabilities; The intrinsic motivator of individuals in a team is often overlooked if not neglected. Managing different "personalities" can be tricky. In reality, conflicts between individuals are often blamed on "personality" conflicts. However, these conflicts are likely, and often are, due to differences in their respective motivational factors.

Uncovering the root causes of potential conflict is about understanding what motivates your team, whose motivation needs to be boosted the most, and how to motivate and reward the team as a whole; The team Motivational Maps® reveals the key motivational drivers of the team; Each report contains at least 10 highly practical recommendations. To be succinct, they enable teams to operate at a higher level of performance.

The Team Motivational Maps® can help team managers understand the true drivers of the team and improve team communication through the same "language" to support the team's change management, enabling a smoother change transition and employee engagement. It is an ideal tool for managers, coaches, consultants, and trainers.

Applicable to:

  1. Change management
  2. Employee engagement management and reward strategies
  3. Team management


  1. Better team collaboration and higher productivity
  2. Exceptional leadership
  3. Better recruitment outcomes